Monday, November 10, 2008

A Pan of Brownies & a Steady Pace

Agh, the depression has hit. Perhaps it's not typical of those attempting to run a long distance race for the first time, but it has proven true of me. Partly this is due to the short days and partly due to my feeling that I'm not progressing much in my running regime.

Today I hoped to wake early and run, but this ended up being waking early, hitting 'snooze', waking again, hitting 'snooze' and so on. Option two was to run after five - looking at the sky around four I thought it may be possible, but as seventeen hundred hours approached and darkness blanketed this second option was smothered.

I arrived home, ate a small piece from a half pan of leftover brownies, turned on the last bit of 'EastEnders' and debated what my next move was. Chewing on a bit bigger piece of brownie I began contemplating a visit to the small gym up the road. Getting comfortable and not able to turn off 'EastEnders' before the episode ended with Jack Branning being arrested (falsely?!?), I grabbed a much larger piece of brownie to think through the timing of buses up to the gym and back. Completing the pan of brownies I realised the combination of a full stomach of brownies and running 10K on a treadmill wasn't the best, I packed my bag for the gym.

The brownie indulgence ended up not being too much of an interference to my somewhat boring run on the treadmill. However, a few words from a more experience runner - "it's not so much the distance and speed, but find your pace and run" (or something like that) - had me moving my speed up and down until I found what fit perfect and was it not for the closing hours of the gym, I could have run for quite more than I normally would! So my last few days of depression about running is looking up a bit.

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