Saturday, September 27, 2008

What goes up, must come down

An excellent thing about where IBTS is located in the valley is that the paths away from the seminary lead up, and the paths on the way back lead down! An ideal situation for any potential half-marathoner! Whilst still trying to figure out the pedometre loaned to me, I'm unable to record distances by kilometre when running, but instead by landmarks. The house that sells honey, the big white house with the huge menacing boxer dog, the swimming pool, the sausage roasting place. My goal before too long is to make it to McDonalds! (Maybe with the reward of an apple pie at the end)

However, speaking of sausages - running leaves much time for thought and today I contemplated the implications of a recent post on the IBTS Community web-log ( - particularly the last bit about the contribution of meat consumption towards polluting the environment. I love meat - sausages, meatballs, pork chops, cutlets, meatloaf...

But yes, I do have concern for the environment, as well. Cleaning with vinegar & baking soda rather than various chemicals. Not leaving water running when unneccessary. Recycling. The list continues, but the challenge of giving up a bit of my meaty pleasures? So yes, I had salted salmon on toast with a bit of lemon for dinner tonight and thought through limiting my intake of our farmyard friends...

But surely, these Czech sausages in my freezer consist of very little meat anyway!

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