Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Not the Last of Me!

It has been a month and one day, since crossing the finish line in the most beautiful city of the world. And I've got the running itch again! No, I don't need cream, I just need to get out and run!

Ashamedly, only once have I booted up and found myself whizzing through the Sarka valley trails. However, Sunday seeing bits of the London marathon on Eurosport made me think if these popular actors/actresses, singers and human-sized chickens can run 42 kilometres surely I can!

So, it's in my mind... but first, there's a women's 5K in September here in Prague - much more reasonable as it's something I know I can do AND I still get all kinds of free stuff!

I better get running!

You haven't seen the backside of me for good yet!

1 comment:

Rachael Neal said...

i love reading your blog. you're always so witty - much like your mother. keep writing!