Friday, September 26, 2008

Half-past September

Due to serious repair work on the boiler-system yesterday at the seminary, I was without hot water during the peak times when I attempt to do a bit of marathon training. Skipping the shower after my run was not an option preferred by my neighbours, so I took the bus up the road to workout at the fitness centre nearby – more on this gym another day.

Boredom sets in rather quickly while stomping away on a treadmill. In the states there are television sets placed above any exercisers, to help them forget what they are doing to their bodies.

Not so, in this fitness room. The wall that I’m facing is not a wall, but a mirror. Thus making it impossible to forget my silly idea of a half marathon, because staring back at me is a miserable blonde girl sweating away! I blame her for my sore muscles today.

To attempt to keep my mind occupied, I flip noncommittally through various Czech fashion magazines displayed on the table at reception. Half-way through SmeZeny (UsWomen), I was clouded in a sickenly sweet perfume scent to realise the magazine had a sample flap included. I began muttering to myself, until I recalled that I have smelled much worse in gyms in the Czech Republic.

Having fallen in love with the soothing effect of sweating through intervals in the sauna whilst in Estonia, I asked the woman behind the desk at the gym if they would be installing one. Her answer, “Yes, we will have it, maybe, half-past September.” - You try figure that out!


Anonymous said...

Hello V. Testing, testing!

Anonymous said...

Testing again

Rachael Neal said...

Fun Fun! Keep updating your blog...I've loved reading so far. :) Visit ours too -

Glad to see you're doing well!