Friday, March 27, 2009

27 hours

I know I wasn't supposed to, but I simply was itching to get out for a short run yesterday. The weather was coolish, but the valley was fresh. Plus I'm not sure the next time I'll run through the valley again. After tomorrow, I may never run again! (An added bonus of having run through the valley was having 'good luck' wishes from a complete stranger for the half-marathon. He wasn't Czech.)

I've decided I won't get caught up on the weather - Saturday, 28 March will come and I will run regardless of what is dropping, shining or blowing on me from up above.

Today, Tim, Anna and I are off to the city this afternoon to collect our start bags and receive instructions about THE day. This will be followed by a Pasta-Party and 8hour sleep...

But first a day of work and caution about where I step - I haven't wore any type of heel on my shoes for a week.

1 comment:

Rachael Neal said...

can't wait to hear how it went! blessings!