Monday, December 15, 2008

New Gym, New Smells

- Exiting the tram - diesel from trucks barrelling down Evropska.
- Approaching the gym - cigarette smoke from employees and fitness gurus, who can't go too long without a fag.
- Entering the gym - body odor of squash players and those grunting away in the weight room.
- Changing in locker room - steam from the showers and a multiplicity of perfumes and sprays.

I've been to this gym before and chose this option yesterday, since my regular one closes at 8pm daily, which doesn't leave much time for Sunday afternoon city shopping and a consecutive evening workout.

This gym is much bigger and has much more options for those wishing to drop a few kilos, develop a sixpack or train for the Prague Half Marathon.

There are five courts for squash/racquet ball and many stationary bicycles, a large weight room and three treadmills - hurrah.

However, these treadmills are pre-programmed so that after 30 minutes the machine decides you need a smoke break, so it simply stops. For the non-smoker, it's not possible to start the machine again to resume running. I then played the game of mid-run jumping onto the adjacent treadmill to begin again. It's a fun game.

But today is sunny-ish, so I hope to escape the smoker regime and run through the Šárka trails!

Sidenote: I have a problem with people brushing their hair in public. Please don't.

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