Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Advice of the Irish

"Don’t forget your stretching exercises" came quite timely as Tuesday morning I awoke not wanting (nor close to able) to move - I suppose the fun of Monday's biking adventure plus the long basketball game caught up with me.

For some, the simple number of stairs on campus makes them feel they are training for this half-marathon along with me and Tuesday my muscles groaned at each step - from home to the office, the office to chapel, chapel to the office, office to lunch, lunch to office.. and so on.

So yes, though spent many hours stretching endlessly for basketball/volleyball games and practices, the importance of it was forgotten over the years.

Thanks to the advice from a Northern Irish friend and complaining calves - this seeming 'time-waster' of stretching will make it's way into my daily regime.

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