Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Excuse me, Beautiful, Could you spare 300 dollars?"

I will never forget when I was approached on the streets of Chicago and asked this question from a yellow toothed homeless man with a twinkle in his eye.

Expecting the usual appeal for a dollar or 'spare change' I was happily surprised by his request and simply because of his creativity and good humour gave him a bit of cash. (Of course, being called "Beautiful" didn't hurt!)

Certainly the 300 USD was needed much more than my measily pocket change, so his jovial request had a sincerity behind it, but every quarter helped him feel like a bit more like a human.

Dare I ask you, dear blog-reader, for 300 dollars and hope for 50 or 10? In no way am I equating the seriousness of this man's desparate situation to my small attempt to find financial support for IBTS, but perhaps this story could remind you that every little bit helps a greater cause!

Shall I address you as "Beautiful" - will that help?


Anonymous said...

That was a creative approach to ask for support. I liked it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kev! Did it work???